Ben Folk

Ben Folk

VP Sales

Meet Ben Folk, our dedicated VP of Sales, proudly representing Richter from his hometown of Seattle. Ben's professional journey is a testament to persistence and growth, with Richter marking a significant chapter in his career evolution. From humble beginnings, he embarked on a diverse array of roles, from construction to pizza making, before finding his stride in sales.

Armed with a Bachelor's in Philosophy from Western Washington University, Ben's unique blend of analytical thinking and persuasive communication has proven invaluable in his sales endeavors. He thrives on those pivotal moments when clients recognize his genuine understanding of their needs, forging a partnership based on trust and mutual success. Ben's passion lies in offering solutions that resonate deeply with clients, showcasing his commitment to making a meaningful impact.

Outside the office, Ben's priorities are clear: family and community. He cherishes moments spent with his wife, Morgan, and their son, Henry, creating memories together. Beyond family time, Ben actively engages with his church, channeling his energy into supporting community initiatives like neighborhood clean-ups and food drives. For Ben, success isn't just measured in sales figures but in the positive contributions he makes both professionally and personally.

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