Creating a brand new kind of stadium experience with Protiviti
Building a grand partnership between Microsoft, the Oak View Group and UBS Arena
Creating a brand new kind of stadium experience with Protiviti
Building a grand partnership between Microsoft, the Oak View Group and UBS Arena

As an experienced consulting firm, Protiviti new they would need top-notch assets to show their vision.

Protiviti came to Richter with a lengthy and highly technical PowerPoint for a presentation they wanted to make to Microsoft to broker a deal with Oak View Group and UBS Arena in New York. They knew the presentation was strong, but felt if they simply sent the deck that it would fall flat. Richter provided the backup and expertise to make this presentation irresistible.



The brief for the Richter team was simple in concept and incredibly demanding in execution. The task was to take an already robust presentation and make it beautiful and easily digestible.

To accomplish this, we created two main assets: a video and an accompanying interactive pitch deck.

In the video this was achieved utilizing a vibrant combination of 3D environments and modeling, 3D animation, stock footage, live captured footage, and 2D animation. With all of these techniques, we were able to distill the concepts in the deck down to a 3 minute piece that was informative and educational, while also being aspirational and exciting.

The deck was created by our graphic design team, and was able to expand on key concepts in a way that only this format can provide. Though, in true Richter fashion, it was made to be dynamic and interactive to ensure total engagement from those reading through it.


As we continued to work on other projects with various teams at Protiviti, the Richter team would occasionally check back on how things went with the assets we had created for the UBS arena dea and if it was impactful. The folks at Protiviti told us it was indeed – that it had worked and they’d gotten to have in-person conversations with very senior executives at Microsoft.

Then, the crowning achievement came about a year later, when they shared with us this press release announcing the partnership!

The press release announcing a successful partnership.

We at Richter are incredibly proud to count a company of the caliber of Protiviti as a client, and to have played a role in fostering such an incredibly exciting relationship with them. This project stands as a tremendous win for us and we congratulate our friends at Protiviti for their success!



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