Providing the Baker Hughes sales team with a whole new level of support
In a complex and technical field, Richter is bringing vibrant solutions to engaging Baker Hughes prospects.
Providing the Baker Hughes sales team with a whole new level of support
In a complex and technical field, Richter is bringing vibrant solutions to engaging Baker Hughes prospects.
Baker Hughes

Introducing the Kymera in vivid, realistic detail that is undeniable.

Baker Hughes has a revolutionary product – the Kymera – but no effective way to support and showcase its capabilities. Richter's solution empowered the sales team, providing impactful tools for clear communication. The result? Enhanced engagement, education, and ultimately, increased sales success in a competitive market.

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The project kicked off when Richter received an urgent call from Baker Hughes. The task at hand: transform technical drawings of the Kymera 6 drill bit into a compelling narrative that would drive sales.

With this focus of supporting the sales journey at front of mind, Richter dove into action. Collaborating closely with Baker Hughes engineers, our goal was not just to showcase the drill bit's features, but to create something that resonated with potential clients and the specific challenges of theirs that the Kymera would solve. As the animation came to life, Richter ensured every detail highlighted the Kymera 6's superiority.

A page from the Kymera 6 sales deck.

From its precision cutting to its advanced technology, every aspect was tailored to captivate audiences and support the sales process. Richter even provided still renderings to be used on the Baker Hughes website and promotional material.

A Richter rendering of the Kymera 6 on Baker Hughes' website.

The unique challenges and incredibly detailed process of creating this asset are best summed up by Richter's lead animator, Nick Greenlee.

"From the get-go, our overall challenge was how to make the Mach 6 drill bit visually engaging and exciting while presenting the bit itself – and each key feature – with total accuracy.

Starting from a Baker Hughes 3D model, it was up to us to texture, light, and animate the model to be as life-like and cool as possible.  Every little detail, down to the precise way each cutter is textured, and each component rotates, had to be representative of how it looks & moves in real life.

The overall style is meant to convey “futuristic, high-tech”.  The music and animation had to “wow” the viewer – it’s a brand new, exciting product, so the video style must convey this emotion.

The biggest challenges were addressing the technical aspects, such as the 3D Tetrahedron Simulation Software.  In this scenario, it was our job to translate what their actual software simulates – which is meant to be more of a scientific tool than to look good - into an easy to digest, visually engaging animation."

The work paid off. What was created amounted to a powerful tool that truly drives home the Kymera 6's value proposition with every frame. This result was achieved because for us at Richter, it wasn't just about showcasing a product—it was about supporting the sales journey and ensuring that every potential client saw the Kymera 6 for the game-changer it truly is.

Almost immediately upon completion of the piece, the Baker Hughes team were able to present to key clientele at several events across the world. Signage for these events featured assets from this collaboration, and of course the video appeared prominently.

Baker Hughes presenting the Kymera 6 to key prospects in Kuwait.

The end result speaks loudly for itself. The team at Baker Hughes now has the exact tool they needed to bring this exciting new offering to market, and Richter will continue to strategically back up and surround this keystone video with further assets and everything needed to ensure the Kymera is a smashing success.

"We reached out to Richter to create a marketing video for our next generation of hybrid drill bits called Kymera Mach 6. The goal was to create an exciting 2 minute video used as an introduction to a technical presentations about the product.  When we reached out to Richter, we had a pretty strong vision of what we were trying to accomplish with our video. Ritcher did a really good job walking us through the different steps that we needed to go through to achieve our outcome. This was really helpful to me because I had no domain experience working with anything in the graphics or media space, and so having someone be able to walk us through the steps really helped us finish the video effectively and efficiently.

Working with Richter was very collaborative and I think that was a really important aspect that led to the success of our video. I think what worked well was Richter was good at explaining to us what was possible to achieve relative to our vision within the timeframe we had to complete our video, and we were able to provide as much detail as was necessary on the technical aspects of our product so that it could be built accurately into the video.  The Richter team was always available for discussions. We could ad hoc schedule Teams calls, or just pick up the phone and make a call to talk through the next step or particular challenge that we were encountering.  That kind of close collaboration made a big difference in getting the right product at the end.

In the final video, the graphics really exceeded our expectations. We were very impressed with how realistic the video came out to be. It wasn’t just a cartoon or an animation, and it made our product come to life. The video delivers a lot of wow factor, and it has been really well received by our customers as well as with our internal Baker Hughes employees.  Everyone is excited about it and it’s been really effective for us so far with the customer engagements we’ve had using the video."

John Fairbairn

Kymera and Tricone Product Manager
Baker Hughes

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